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Notedock Features: Searching

Notedock Features: Searching

This is part of a new series of posts highlighting Notedock’s features and functionality. From the very beginning, we’ve built many features into Notedock that can help you work faster. Up till now, most of them have been “hidden” features, that most of our users haven’t discovered yet. Hopefully, with this series of posts, you’ll learn something new that can supercharge your workflow!

Ok, first let’s start with the all important ‘search’ functionality.

Simple Search

Inside your Notedock, you’ll find a regular search bar on every page. If you’re on mobile (or a smaller screen), you’ll see 3 horizontal bars at the top, clicking that will show you the navigation and search bar. From there, you can type in what you want to search and click ‘Enter’ (or ‘Go’, or whatever the equivalent is for your phone).

That is Notedock search in it’s most simple form. This is what it does behind the scenes:

  • Notedock matches your search query with all the titles, tags and content you have access to.

  • You’ll be returned to a list of pages that have been matched, and you can sort them by newest added, oldest added and also alphabetically.

But even with sorting, you still might have a huge list of pages facing you. How can you narrow that down even more? This is where Advanced Search is useful. Let’s talk about this next…

Advanced Search

Here’s where we put more power in your hands! First, click over to the ‘Advanced Search’ page on the navigation panel.

Don’t panic! The Advanced Search panel looks daunting, but it’s easy once you get a hang of it.

If you’ve ever dealt with SQL, you should be right at home. Advanced Search simply runs SQL queries on your content, where you’ll be able to set the ‘WHERE‘ clause.

  • You’ve got ANDs and ORs to combine titles, content and tags.

  • For equality conditions, you have ‘is‘ which equates to SQL’s ‘=’ conditional operator, and ‘like‘ which is the same as SQL’s LIKE (with wildcards on both sides).

If this is the first you’re hearing of SQL, it’s still easy to get a hang of. You simply make conditions to match your content’s titles, text and/or tags.

  • For each of these, you can choose to match exactly what you’ve entered into the search box (‘is’), or match something like it (‘like’).

  • Then you can put them in combinations of ANDs (green buttons) and ORs (yellow buttons).

  • ANDs will only return results which satisfy all your given conditions for a given clause (boxed shaded area).

  • ORs will return results which have passed at least one of the AND clauses.

Here’s an example:

We want all items where…

1) (the title has ‘Invoicing’ in it) AND (one of the tags is ‘Ongoing’) AND (one of the tags is ‘Projects’)


2) one of the tags is ‘ACCPAC’


3) the title has ‘ACCPAC’ in it

Here’s what that would look like constructed on your Advanced Search page:

Tips & Tricks

1) Saving Searches

You might’ve spent a couple of minutes carefully crafting your Advanced Search query.

Now you’re asking, “do I have to do that every single time I use advanced search?”.

Nope. You can save those precious minutes by saving your search.

Once the results of your search come up, you’ll see a button on the top right of the page, asking if you want to ‘Save This Search?’.

Then you’ll be asked to name your search, which you can then access in the future from the ‘Saved Searches’ page (found on the navigation panel).

2) Tag Search

We haven’t talked about tags yet in this series, but in case you didn’t know, you can click on them.

Clicking on them does a search on tags ONLY. It returns a list of your content that has the tag you clicked.

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Notedock Features: Tagging

Notedock Features: Tagging

This is part of a series of posts highlighting Notedock’s features and functionality. From the very beginning, we’ve built many features into Notedock that can help you work faster. Up till now, most of them have been “hidden” features, that most of our users haven’t discovered yet. Hopefully, with this series of posts, you’ll learn something new that can supercharge your workflow!

Tagging is a big part of Notedock. Today we’ll talk about how to use it, and how it can help with your work.

Tagging in Notedock works similarly to tagging on most other web sites. Tagging is generally used to classify items and for categorization. In Notedock, you can apply as many tags as you like for a single page.

Once your tags are added, you can click on a single tag, which brings up a list of pages that also have that same tag. This is useful if you want to see all the pages for a certain project you’re working on. Say you’re working on ‘Super Secret Project’, and you have 10 different pages associated with it. If you’ve tagged each of those page with ‘Super Secret’, you can click on that tag and Notedock will give you a list of those 10 pages.

Tagging and Advanced Search

What makes Notedock different, is the ability to combine tagging with Advanced Search. We’ve spoken about Advanced Search before, and about how you can craft customized search queries. With Advanced Search, you can make even more narrowed down searches on your tags.

So going back to your ‘Super Secret Project’, let’s say you’re keeping track of features that you’re building.

Of your 10 pages, 2 are for ‘Completed Features’ and 6 are for ‘Incomplete Features’:

  • You tag those pages accordingly with the respective tags.

  • Now you want to see which features are still in your incomplete pipeline for ‘Super Secret Project’.

  • With Advanced Search, you can simply do a search where one tag is ‘Super Secret’ AND the other tag is ‘Incomplete Features’.

  • This will show you a list of the 6 pages for your Secret Project’s incomplete features.

Tagging and Advanced Search

Here are some things you can use tags for:

  • Categorization/Classification

  • Search

  • Separating multiple projects under one Notedock account.

  • Marking status (ie. ongoing/complete, open/closed, etc.)

If you have some other use cases for tagging, we’d to love to hear about it!

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Notedock Features: Pinning

Notedock Features: Pinning

This is part of a series of posts highlighting Notedock’s features and functionality. From the very beginning, we’ve built many features into Notedock that can help you work faster. Up till now, most of them have been “hidden” features, that most of our users haven’t discovered yet. Hopefully, with this series of posts, you’ll learn something new that can supercharge your workflow!

So, what is pinning anyway? Very simply, it’s like your browser’s bookmarks toolbar, but in your Notedock. Whenever you log in, you’ll see what you’ve ‘pinned’ on your Notedock homepage.

Pinning is good if you’re finding yourself working and referencing particular pages in your Notedock. If you’re working on a project that has a few Notedock pages, you can ‘pin’ them to your homepage, so that you won’t have to go searching for them buried with all your other notes each time.

Pinned items belong to each individual user. This means that members of a Notedock, can each have different things pinned. So all of your team’s members can have whatever they’re currently working on pinned to their own homepages.

So how do I go about ‘pinning’ my notes?

1.) First navigate to the page you want to pin.

2.)  Find the green ‘Pin’ button, and click it.

3.) The page will reload, and the green button will become a yellow ‘Unpin’ button. Clicking this ‘unpins’ the page from your homepage.

4.) Repeat steps 1-3 for all the pages you need to pin or unpin.

5.) Now, navigate to your Notedock homepage, and see your newly pinned pages.

Happy pinning!

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Notedock Features: All About Domains And Subdomains

Notedock Features: All About Domains And Subdomains

This is part of a series of posts highlighting Notedock’s features and functionality. From the very beginning, we’ve built many features into Notedock that can help you work faster. Up till now, most of them have been “hidden” features, that most of our users haven’t discovered yet. Hopefully, with this series of posts, you’ll learn something new that can supercharge your workflow!


With most apps and services on the web, if you have an account, you log onto the website directly. So if the app is at example.com, you’d go there and log in.

Notedock is a little different. Each Notedock lives at it’s own unique domain where it’s users go to log in. So let’s say your name is John, when you sign up, you get to choose a Notedock domain. If you chose john.notedock.com, then that’s where you go to access your Notedock.

If you go and log in directly at notedock.com, you won’t be taken to your Notedock account, instead, you’ll be shown a list of Notedock’s that your email address belongs to. This is because your email address can be tied to multiple Notedock accounts, which you would have to log into separately.

Now, you might be thinking this is a little confusing. But there’s a useful (we think) reason for this. On most sites, like we mentioned earlier, you log in with your email address to the site directly. With that method, your email address is tied to one and only one account on the entire system. If for some reason you need multiple accounts on a service (say, a personal and business account), you’d need to use and maintain multiple different email addresses to log in. With Notedock’s subdomain system, you can use the same email address to log into multiple Notedocks.

Here’s a good example of why this might be useful: Let’s say you’re working on 3 projects, each involving different team members. Having a single Notedock and separating the projects using tags wouldn’t be ideal here, since you wouldn’t want to give each team’s members access to the other projects. The way here, would be to have 3 separate Notedocks for each project, with each having their own different members. Instead of having to use 3 different email addresses to separately log into each Notedock, you can use a single email, and simply access each project’s unique domain.

There are a couple of advantages for you here:

  • No need to maintain multiple email addresses –> less administrative burden

  • You can be logged into all of your Notedocks at the same time –> work on all of them simultaneously

Custom Domains

Ok, so the subdomain you wanted to use is already taken. Or, you wanna use your own domain to access your Notedock. Not a problem, just simply set up your Notedock with a temporary domain, and let us know. We’ll get your custom domain set up on our end, and guide you through what you need to do on your part.

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4 Ways A ‘Virtual Library’ Can Help Remote Teams

4 Ways A 'Virtual Library' Can Help Remote Teams

More and more companies are turning to remote work and having a distributed team. Whether partially distributed with parts of the team working remotely, or fully distributed without a physical office.

Some of these companies leading the charge are:

  • Buffer: They’re fully distributed and have written many articles about how they do it.

  • 37Signals/Basecamp: Although they have a headquarters in Chicago, their employees can live and work wherever they want. They even wrote a book on remote work.

  • Automattic: The creators of WordPress, are 100% remote

Some of the benefits a distributed team can bring include:

  • Access to the best talent for the job: If the best programmer is 1000 miles away, no problem!

  • No commute: Here in Toronto, an expressway called the Don Valley Parkway is infamously known as the “Don Valley Parking Lot”.

  • Freedom: Find the time you work best and the environment that helps you focus. You don’t even need to wear pants to work…but we recommend you do so ;D

  • Lower overhead costs: Office space can be expensive in some cities. Instead, you can reinvest this money into your business, or to buy your team the coolest, cutting-edge tools.

A big issue with remote work is communication. Some say communication isn’t as efficient when you aren’t together in a physical place. A lot of companies have made use of web tools to combat this and thrive. We’ve mostly got that part covered with all the different virtual watercoolers (Hipchat, Slack) and video tools out there. Tools like Sqwiggle even help remote teams feel like they’re working in the same room!

At Hutility, we’re a fully distributed software consultancy, where we use a combination of email and phone to communicate with our team, partners and clients. In addition to that, we have a virtual library where we store notes and documents available for access to those we work with daily. For this virtual library, we use Notedock, which we initially built in-house for this purpose. Other software that fits your team’s workflow can work as well, whether that’s a wiki, intranet, Google Docs, Trello, or Evernote.

So what’s a “virtual library”, and why is it useful?

Here are some things we use it for:

1) To store information

  • We take notes on client calls and communications, and by storing them somewhere, we have them accessible by whomever on the team needs it.

  • We document common/recurring procedures and steps. It saves a lot of time in figuring out how to do things right the first time.

  • We document bug fixes and gotchas that come up every now and then. This saves a lot of time and frustration since we have solutions ready and on hand.

2) To plan projects

  • Related to making notes from client calls, we document the specifications and requirements for each project. This way, any team member that’s involved is in the loop, and knows what’s required.

3) To store files, share them and add notes to them

  • Instead of emailing each other files, we upload them to the virtual library. With this, everyone is using the latest versions of files.

  • Adding notes to files helps with context. You can include notes on how the file is supposed to be used, it’s dependencies and the environment it’s to be used in.

  • In the case that you use Dropbox, Box or another file storage solution, you can still store a link to the file in your library. The benefit of this, is being able to have a discussion around the files and having a hub for all your things.

4) To help ease onboarding new people

  • Helps in onboarding new employees or contractors for a project.

  • They’ll have a place to catch up on the history of a prject and become aware of any recorded issues.

  • A real example of this, was in the development of Notedock’s logo. We had multiple designers work on it before we found a logo we liked. Each new draft we liked more and more since the new designer could see a history of what we’d tried, liked and disliked, and our discussions with the previous designers.

Having a “virtual library” for your team members to reference can be very useful. It’s a great way to save time looking for things that you need for work, because you’ll always know where to start.

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Discover How to Put Your Pay Stubs Online Without Switching Your Payroll Software

Discover How to Put Your Pay Stubs Online Without Switching Your Payroll Software

So your company still spends hours manually printing and mailing pay stubs?

Welcome to the future my friend. Hutility has developed a product that allows your company to add pay stubs online for all your employees, without having to change your payroll software.

This product is called InStaff, created so that your small to medium sized business can finally stop printing pay stubs and get them online. We create a custom website portal for your employees to login, where they can easily view past pay stubs and tax forms online from anywhere.

The software uses pay stub PDFs from your existing accounting software to automatically create accounts for employees and to easily upload their pay stubs each pay period. This saves HR tons of time and money rather than manually mailing them out, allowing your company to allocate employees and funds elsewhere, essentially allowing the software to help pay for itself!

As you probably know, payroll software can be very expensive. So there is no point in buying a whole new system – wasting the money you spent on your current one – just to put your pay stubs online. Unlike conventional payroll applications, InStaff is more so an add on to your current system, allowing it to be priced very fairly. We understand that small to medium sized businesses like yours have very tight budgets, which is why we provide this add on for a fraction of the price of a new payroll system.

There are additional features that would allow you to use InStaff as a complete employee portal – all optional of course. This includes:

  • company-wide announcements

  • a company directory

  • shared company documents and files

  • time tracking with various approval workflows, customizable fields and department specific features (integrations to select ERP systems available)

  • time-off requests

  • private employee files (great for employee agreements and contracts, as an example)

For a small cost, these features allow InStaff to be a more complete employee intranet that gives employees access to all relevant company information all in one place.

To talk about getting your employees’ pay stubs online, visit InStaff for more information.

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5 Best Accounting Software Options For Small Businesses In 2017

5 Best Accounting Software Options For Small Businesses In 2017

1.) Xero


Xero has 700,000 users in over 180 countries, and has been named Forbes most innovative growth company twice. Their software is very innovative compared to the other accounting software, boasting impressive time-saving features and advanced user permissions. The starter package is $9 a month, while the standard package is $30 a month, giving users unlimited access. It can also be tried free for 30 days at no cost. Xero has all of the features you would need to maximize your business’ accounting efficiency. According to reviews, the customer service team is spot on with any questions you have. They also have an in-software, question search function to provide instant help. As well, they have a lot of partners and integrations, helping optimize a lot of processes.


Xero’s mobile app is lacking much of the functionality of the desktop version, just like other accounting software. Another concern seems to be the intuitiveness of the software, as it takes some time to learn how to access and use all of it’s features. In all fairness their in-software help does counteract this to an extent. The reporting and payroll sections are also weak points that need to be improved in the future. Overall however, this is a great alternative to QuickBooks and has some great features that set it apart.

2.) Zoho Books


Zoho is a perfect solution for business owners who do their own accounting. Out of all the accounting software options, it is the most simple to use, and provides unlimited users and features for $24 a month. Just like the more recognized names on this list, Zoho boasts great automation features to help make your accounting as simple as possible. You can try Zoho for a free 14 days to test it’s features before deciding to make a purchase. One thing that sets Zoho apart from the rest is their mobile app, that offers the same full functionality of the computer software. If you are always on the go and will rely on your accounting software’s mobile app, Zoho is definitely the way to go. Another huge benefit for Zoho is its customer support, with 24 hour phone support available 5 days a week, better than any other software.


Since Zoho books is relatively smaller then the big players, they do have a limited amount of third party integrations. They integrate with Google Apps and Square, and offer a new integration with Zapier which can help the lack of native integrations. Another disadvantage is that there is no payroll feature in Zoho, which would be a problem in the future when your business decides to hire a handful of employees. With these small disadvantages, Zoho is still a very strong contender in the cloud accounting software space.

3.) QuickBooks


QuickBooks arguably gives you the best bang for your buck. For single users, like small business owners and consultants, QuickBooks’ cheapest plan is 9.99 a month for one user. This software offers most of the necessary accounting features that businesses need, including reporting, tracking income and expenses, bank account integration, and tax preparation and filing. There is also a free trial option along with tons of demos and videos to really get the feel of the software. QuickBooks has a really simple and effective dashboard, along with tons of time saving features that maximize the efficiency of a your business.


One setback is QuickBooks’ mobile software. Unlike Zoho, QuickBooks’ mobile version offers very minimal features compared to what the full version can do. Another setback is the setup of their online software, with complaints ranging from very complicated to set up, to the non seamless conversion from desktop to online.

4.) Sage One


Sage One is meant for startups, starting at $25 monthly it is very affordable and has the basic features to get you by. This includes bank account integration, a mobile app, invoicing, time tracking and financial reporting. This software gives you all the tools you need to run your finances efficiently by organizing information in a clear way.


Through looking at a large number of reviews, the largest complaint seems to be the inefficiency of the Sage customer service. This might be very important when first implementing the software, where you would need to rely on their support to learn all of the features and answer any questions. There are also many negative reviews relating to mobile app crashes, which more than anything will test your patience.

5.) ClearBooks


ClearBooks is a cloud based accounting software, making it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. In regards to pricing, the software is around 16 pounds (around 20 US dollars) monthly, depending on if you choose the one year or two year plan. ClearBooks also gives the option to try the product free for 30 days, allowing you to see if it is the right fit for you. The software itself is very simple and intuitive to use, easy for both accountants and non accountants alike. The dashboard is very customizable, allowing you to choose between 163 different menu options to display. There are countless reviews praising the customer service team at ClearBooks, saying they are dedicated and passionate. This is a nice bonus to know that the company is right there to support you, without having to go through a long automated phone menu.


First and foremost, ClearBooks is a largely based in the UK, with 97% of its clients and all of its servers residing there. This means that anyone in the America has to deal with small differences like UK time and date formatting as well as VAT tax rates. Also, since ClearBooks has so many features, the organization of them can be somewhat confusing for a first time user. Countless reviews say they do not do a good job of consolidating features that are similar. Lastly many reviews say that the mobile app is very slow and definitely needs some work. All in all, ClearBooks looks like a comprehensive accounting software for a great price.

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7 Reasons Your Company Needs To Think About AI

7 Reasons Your Company Needs To Think About AI

By :  Hutility Team

There is no question; artificial intelligence is already taking over the way we do business. Everyone from huge multinationals to tiny ‘Mom and Pop’ shops are using it to streamline their processes. Every day, AI shapes recommendations and buying processes, providing us with fast, convenient service on-demand.

But according to a survey carried out by Salesforce, in 2016, 61% of the SMEs surveyed believed their services were ‘not ready’ for artificial intelligence.

There are plenty of ways you can embrace AI to help you:

  • Generate more sales
  • Create effective marketing collateral across all channels
  • Manage your inventory and operations
  • Analyze data feedback for accurate forecasting

Read on for seven reasons why you need to consider AI for your business.

Optimize Your Site's Virtual Library

If you have taken the time to build up a comprehensive campaign marketing strategy, AI chatbots can help you maximize your content’s exposure to site visitors. For instance, if you run a mortgages website, you can program your chatbot to ask relevant questions via a live chat window. Based on your visitors’ responses, the bot can then direct a link to a related mortgage guide, helping the customer make smarter purchasing decisions.

Further, your chatbot can also collect data based on customer feedback. From these insights, you can then choose to restructure your site’s information architecture to optimize the experience for site visitors. Find out more about virtual libraries in this previous post.

Improve Your Supply Chain

Keeping track of inventory and managing processes is costly and time-consuming. By automating your processes with artificial intelligence, you can reduce the amount of human contact in your supply chain and thus reduce the likelihood of errors. Taking Amazon’s automated distribution outlets as an example — RFID tags and the latest in robotic technology helps them meet global demand for fast service.

For smaller operations, supply chain management systems are a must. Centralize communications at every link in the supply chain and use automated tools to re-order inventory and provide real-time data feedback on inefficiencies.

Personalize Your Customer's Experience

AI have been making huge leaps in forming the opinions of the consumer. If you have ever clicked on a recommended products option, you will know what it is like to have your purchasing decisions influenced by AI. As technology develops, the recommendations will get smarter. With mobile chat applications and tools like Alexa, you can receive real-time recommendations based on your preferences ‘in the moment,’ wherever you are.

Setting up personalization tools to your site is straightforward. You can head to your ecommerce host and search for a suitable plugin. Look into personalized abandoned cart emails, retargeting ads, referrals, recommendations, packaging design and inserts, customization of goods; the options are ever-expanding.

Geo-Targeting Capabilities

If you are setting up in a new location, or you’re looking to increase your brand’s reputation in your local community, AI can help you target your fan base with ads and offers. Papa John’s for example, uses geo-targeting to send push notifications to social media users within a three-mile radius of their new stores.

Geo-Targeting and beacon technology can also be utilized within bricks-and- mortar retail outlets. Mall of America, for example, used geo-targeting and personalization to enhance shoppers’ experiences in the run-up to Christmas 2016.

Not only could customers see recommendations for everything on their Christmas shopping lists, the technology also helped to create an exciting and immersive ‘buzz’ around using this innovative service.

Provide Better Customer Service

Automated call center services have helped millions of customers get through to the right department with ease. We may say that talking to an automated machine can be annoying, but the convenience they provide for callers cannot be disputed.

AI, regardless of your business structure, can make customer service tasks a breeze. Automate customer inquiry tickets, use tools to help you prioritize calls and aid non-urgent enquires in getting resolved with an automatic chat responder. By providing your customers with the ability to manage specific customer services tasks themselves (such as tracking deliveries), you can also build trust and brand loyalty. Through automation tools, your customers gain full transparency of the shipment process, giving them peace of mind.

Hire An AI Marketing Coach

Aside from your customers, marketers and business owners can significantly benefit from personalized advice. AI-bots can help you make crucial marketing decisions, and can help busy business owners stay on top of all their marketing tasks.

One that’s recently hit the headlines is Kit, an AI-powered ‘virtual assistant’ service offering marketing tips 24/7 via an app. For ecommerce store owners looking to grow their businesses, Kit provides tailor-made services for retargeting advertisements. It can also create Facebook and Instagram advertisements, as well as generate abandoned cart emails and more. Kit runs through your online storefront, synchronizing with your apps and plugins. This can be a massive help to busy store owners who are looking for help with the administration side of things.

Prioritize Your Sales Pipeline

If you have sales leads you are looking to maximize on, let AI provide you with valuable insight. Sales pipeline building features can be found in CRM systems, synchronizing your calendar, communications and client insight data, to help you make offers your customers can’t refuse.

Predictive forecasting and competitor analysis tools can also help your business stand out from the crowd. You can also use features to generate things like invoices in seconds and substantially reduce the amount of data entry required to stay on top of your sales targets.

Artificial intelligence can be the key to business growth, and it is really a question of when and how you start to introduce AI systems into your operations. Focus your investments into improving customer service and centralizing communications as a starting point. Then make sure to utilize data feedback to help you adjust and grow your business over time.

This guest blog post is by Victoria Greene.

Victoria Greene is a marketer and freelance writer, blogging over at VictoriaEcommerce. She likes to regularly share tips to business owners looking to make the most out of online selling.

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Streamline Your Operations with Sage 300 Integration

Streamline Your Operations with Sage 300 Integration

By :  Hutility Team

Integrating your e-commerce store with Sage 300 can provide numerous benefits for your business. This powerful integration can streamline your operations, reduce manual errors, and improve your overall efficiency. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of integrating your e-commerce store with Sage 300.

Accurate Order Management with Sage 300 Integration

One of the primary benefits of integrating your e-commerce store with Sage 300 is that it can help you manage your orders more efficiently. With Sage 300 integration, you can easily import orders into the OE Order Entry module, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This can help you reduce the risk of errors and ensure that your orders are processed accurately and on time.

Real-Time Inventory Tracking with Sage 300 Integration

Another key benefit of integrating your e-commerce store with Sage 300 is that it allows you to keep track of your inventory in real-time. This integration can automatically update inventory counts in your e-commerce platform based on changes in your Sage 300 IC module. This ensures that your inventory is always up-to-date, and you can avoid overselling or running out of stock.

Improved Fulfillment with Sage 300 Integration

Sage 300 integration can also help you improve your fulfillment process. By updating fulfillment information in the Sage 300 OE Shipments module, you can ensure that your customers receive accurate and up-to-date shipping information. This can help you increase customer satisfaction and reduce the number of inquiries regarding shipping status.

Greater Efficiency with Sage 300 Integration

Sage 300 integration can help you streamline your operations and reduce manual work. By automating certain tasks, such as data entry and inventory updates, you can free up your time to focus on other important aspects of your business. This can help you improve your efficiency, reduce errors, and ultimately save time and money.

Expanded Customer Reach with Sage 300 Integration

Finally, integrating your e-commerce store with Sage 300 can help you expand your customer reach. By providing a seamless and efficient shopping experience, you can increase customer satisfaction and attract new customers to your business. This can ultimately help you grow your customer base and increase your sales.

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Hutility Reviews from Our Customers

Hutility Reviews from Our Customers

By :  Hutility Team

At Hutility, our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. We are committed to providing high-quality software solutions that are easy to use, efficient, and affordable. We take pride in the positive feedback we receive from our customers. Here are some of the reviews we have received:

“This software is an absolute breeze to use. We were looking for a solution without breaking the bank or outsourcing our payroll function. InStaff provided a perfect solution that allowed us to stop printing out pay advice and upload them to the cloud for our employees to see their information on a self-serve basis. Overall, this is the exact solution we were looking for, and it’s easier to use than I anticipated!”

“Huge time saver for us with the paycheck and commission sheet uploads. We are looking forward to the W2s as well. People have really liked the time off as well.”

“It is easy to use and allows up to control what levels of product we need for our business.”

“Using Instaff has significantly reduced time spent issuing & filing paystubs & T4s. Historical information is stored in one place and easy to retrieve. We have experienced notable savings on time, paper, storage & filing.”

“My experience has been all positive, easy to use and easy to have changes made. I love this product. It has been the best product for our paystubs.”

At Hutility, we understand the value of time. We are committed to providing software solutions that help our customers save time and increase productivity. We are thrilled to hear that our software has been a huge time saver for this customer. We are constantly working to improve our products, and we look forward to delivering more time-saving features in the future. We understand that filing and storing payroll information can be time-consuming and costly. Our software is designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their operations more efficiently. We are committed to delivering software solutions that are customized to meet our customers’ specific needs.

Read more reviews at Capterra

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